Good news! My Internet connection seems to have stabilized. The Comcast technician was pleasant, bright, and and very quick in doing what he had to do. The bad news is that he couldn't actually find anything wrong, so he wasn't exactly sure what needed fixing. So, he replaced all the cables and connectors (both inside and outside my condo) and reset everything. Since the system has worked since then, I'm ready to conclude that the repair was successful.
I'll bring you up to date on the last few days of training in a minute. But first, let's talk discuss our most recent musical instrument puzzle:

We begin with a Fender Telly-caster, of course. (Who loves ya, baby?) Next is a Mr. French Horn, followed by an O-Bo. And finally a Donald Trumpet.
OK, yeah, that was pretty lame. I'll try a little harder next time. (By the way, Mr. French actually recorded an album of Bob Dylan songs. Click here if you dare.)
But guess what? I actually rode my bike after work on Thursday evening. It was somewhat blustery, with a minor threat of impending rain. But I wasn't straying too far from the car, so I figured I could beat any precipitation that appeared to be rolling in. And every cyclist knows that wind hates us and will attack at any we just deal with it. Do your worst, vile air currents...we shall persevere regardless!
What I failed to anticipate was...the @#&$*! bugs.
I rode around Chatfield, and was constantly peppered by gnats, grasshoppers, and who knows what other sorts of nasty little insect projectiles. I sometimes forget the reasons I prefer morning workouts over evening exercise, but experiences like this help remind me. But I worked reasonably hard, and was glad I got the saddle time.The next morning began with "Fun Friday" swim practice, as usual, which everyone absolutely loved...also as usual. And after that workout, I somehow managed to dredge up the energy to slip on the running shoes and go for a jog. If anyone had filmed it, and then played it back at double the speed, it would still look like I was running at William Conrad velocities.
But I was proud of myself for having the discipline to do the run. It was an excellent Friday.

These photos are near the spot on CityView where you can, um, well...view the city. I like the way it sorta looks like an ocean off in the background. But no, that's just the flatlands, far below the roads we traveled.

But I did enjoy it. It was a gorgeous ride, and I'm pleased to say that I think my posterior is becoming better and better acclimated to sitting on the bike. I still don't have the power I'll need for the Triple Bypass in July, but I'm off to a good start for the season. With friends like these to keep me motivated and committed, I'm sure that I'll be ready. And since I'm pretty sure our group will want to do something like this again next weekend, why don't you check your calendar and see if you might be able to come along for the ride?
If you do, you'll have a great day! I guarantee it.
See you then!
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