Catching Up

It's the government's fault, of course. If they would just allow me to fully implement my well-planned retirement strategy (ie, win the lottery), then I wouldn't be so busy with doing all the stuff that I should just be able to hire people to do for me. Oh well.
I've been busy, and will continue to be busy for some time yet. It's not all just work and chores and fighting communism; I'm also doing all sorts of fun and exciting things. I'll try to bring you up to speed on some of these things over the next few days. But for today, I'll just mention some of the topics we'll cover, and then I'll head to the office to finish up our latest proposal. Here are some of the things I intend to blog about:
- Memorial Day. I hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful holiday weekend, but I also hope you were able to reflect on the holiday's origins, and take a moment to be thankful for the brave soldiers who have fought for our freedom throughout the years.
- "Avengers" movie review. The short version is "I liked it". The long version will contain a discusssion of whether my brain's processor is just not fast enough...or whether today's editors are simply making their cuts too darn fast.
- Training reports. I've had some great bike rides, trail runs, and swim workouts lately, and even have a few photos of wildlife, mountain vistas, and sunrises to share with you.
- High school memories. My graduating class has a reunion coming up this summer, and even though I won't be attending (it's the same weekend as the Triple Bypass) its approach has stirred up recollections and philosophical thoughts that I would like to discuss.
- Empty nest parenting. My son doesn't read this blog, so I can give you an honest report about my feelings regarding his current, um, career path, without fear that he'll hold those opinions against me if he ever does become rich and famous.
- Weekend nutrition. It has become obvious there's a correlation between how many hours I spend at home and how much food I consume. Weekends offer the best opportunities for extended exercise, and I definitely burn more workout calories on those days...but I always seem to weigh more when the weekend's over than I did when it started. I suspect that the most healthful solution involves finding ways to stay outside longer. This would also increase the amount of fun I have over the weekends...but is in direct conflict with my perceived need to finish all the household chores I don't keep up with during the week.
- Lake swimming. I will pick up our team's discounted parks passes tomorrow, and am planning to take my own first plunge into the icy waters of the Chatfield pond soon. I love open water swimming, but for some reason am always reluctant to take that first dip of the summer. But I will definitely let you know how it feels!
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