Colfax Half-Marathon

The course was pretty simple; basically a loop around City Park, then straight east on Colfax, a short trip north, and then a long straight return down 17th Street followed by another loop behind the zoo. It was flat and well-marshalled, with aide stations every second mile. For many of the runners (including Kim), it was their first time racing this distance, and conditions could not have been better.

At about 5:45am, they lined us up in our "corrals", according to predicted pace. Then we got to stand there, sardine-like, while race officials and city bigwigs made speeches that served no purpose other than to satisfy their egos. The last thing before the starting gun was the singing of the Star Spangled Banner by Jake Shroeder (Opie Gone Bad). You'd think after hearing that song a bazillion times in my life, I could listen to it without having the old moistened-eyeball effect, but no. Mr. Shroeder did an excellent job, and put us all in the mood to go out and kick some butt.

I think I reached the starting line about 7 minutes after the gun went off. The timing chips were embedded in the bib number, so my official time was logged from when I finally crossed the timing mat. Fortunately, the roads were wide enough and the other runners courteous enough that I experienced no major traffic problems at any time during the start -- or throughout the race
My race-start thought processes were as follows:
- My cardio conditioning should be adequate to push fairly hard through a 2 and a half hour race. I've done enough racing of that duration that I have a reasonably good idea about the level of effort I could sustain.
- My training mileage had been completely inadequate for a race this distance. My cardio might be good, but my legs simply hadn't put in enough road time to hold up throughout a race of this length. It wouldn't matter how slow I ran, at some point, muscle fatigue was inevitable.
- On the plus side, I felt pretty good during warmup. I had applied BenGay to my hamstring, was wearing my hamstring compression wrap, and had done some stretching while we waited for Opie to sing. I'd slathered on the BodyGlide, and had adjusted my socks and shoestrings to optimal configurations. There was a chance that I could run almost like a normal person.
- There was also a very real possibility that my hamstring would eventually get wonky, my knees would scream bloody murder, or my ankle would lock up.
Oh -- one other thing I'll mention: A while back I noted that throwing your heart-rate monitor in the laundry was not a particularly good idea. Mine hadn't worked since I washed it, even after I replaced the battery. As I was laying out my race gear, though, it occured to me that I had a couple of older chest straps...perhaps one would be compatible with the Timex Global Trainer watch I'd wear during the race. Sure enough, it identified and locked onto the signal from my old Garmin strap, so I would be able to watch my heart rate throughout the race.
Of course, that assumes that I'd remember to look at that frame of the watch readout. Oh well.
I did look at my mile splits, though, and saw that I was holding a faster pace than I had anticipated. At about the three mile mark, I realized it might be possible to hit the 10K in under 60 minutes. I made that an interim goal, and tried to hold onto that pace.
It wasn't easy. At about 5 miles, I noticed that I had slowed down a bit. My leg was showing some signs of sporadic irritation, and my stride seemed to be getting shorter. I wasn't completely surprised; that was the distance that represented my "long" training runs for the season. I wasn't really tired, just not as loose. I kept pushing, though, and cruised through the 10K right at the one hour mark.

I stopped to take a picture.
No, I am not the least bit embarrased by the fact that all the people running at my pace happened to be female. Why do you ask?

Since I had already removed my fanny pack to retrieve the camera, I took the opportunity to also consume some energy gummies in the hope that the burst of energy would help distract me from the growing tightness in my legs and hips.
I'm sure it didn't hurt, but it certainly wasn't the remedy I was hoping for. The good news is that most of the rest of the course was a very gentle downhill, and there were plenty of shade trees and cheering fans all along 17th Street. (My favorite sign was the one that said "Run, Total Stranger, Run!") There was even a brass band playing "Rock n' Roll, Part II", eliciting a rousing response from the crowd of runners.
The rest of the race is best described as a "survival slog". (Around mile 10, I thought I might have to use the term "death march" in my blog, but it got a little better after I passed Colorado Blvd and knew that the end was within reach.) I had begun the race knowing I'd be happy with a finish time under 2:30, but with three miles to go, I realized that I actually had a shot at 2:15. If you'd have asked me before the race, I'd have told you I'd be tremendously happy with 2:20, but knowing that the faster time was a possibility kept me pushing hard.
I tried my best to pick it up with about one mile to go. (I haven't looked at my GPS log yet, but I suspect that I did get a bit faster once I was back inside the park.) It wasn't pretty, though; I even heard one spectator comment to a friend "Ooh, that dude is hurting." It sure was good to finally see the finish line.

The BBQ sandwich was OK, if about one third the size that would be required to satisfy my appetite. And I don't know much about beer--perhaps adult beverages taste different immediately after you've run a half-marathon--but it seemed utterly bland and weak. I would've preferred the kick from a Coke. But it's still good to have a meal and a drink right after a race, especially if it's in a beautiful park on a gorgeous day.
We hung around briefly and wandered through the Expo area, but there didn't seem to be any good giveaways. Retrieving our morning clothes from the Bag Check area was a much larger ordeal than it should've been -- apparently the concept of "arranging by number" had not occured to anyone -- but we eventually found our stuff and headed home. I spent the remainder of the day relaxing. Kim told me that he went home and chopped down a tree. Yeah, OK, whatever, dude. Most people would take it easy after running a race like that, but if he wants to challenge his tired legs with extra yard work, more power to him.
But it was a good day by any measure. And I know what you're wanting to ask: "So, Terry, when are you going to man-up and run a FULL marathon, ya big ol' panzy?" Well, my friends, I don't know. I'm not saying it will never happen...but it won't be any time soon. Still, this race was a positive experience, and could possibly be considered as a move forward in my run training. But we'll have to wait and see what happens next. In the meantime, thank you all for your continuing support. I really do appreciate it. Have a great day!
Terry, congratulations on your race! And I am sure it felt even better to have blown away your predicted time! You don't have to be beer conisseur to recognize that the expo beer was not the best. But cold beer after a long run can't be beat!
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