Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Price of Sloth

You may recall that my automobile was recently attacked by malevolent flying plywood, bent on destruction. It smashed my front grill and partially mangled my bumper. Fortunately, the damage was mostly superficial, so the car continued to run. And since I was swamped at work and couldn't find time to get away, I continued to drive it, dents and all.

Yes, Jethro Bodine is one of my role models. Why do you ask?

Anyway, my workload at the office finally let up to the point where I felt I could spend the time to get an insurance estimate and schedule the repair. Once these tasks were completed, all that remained was arranging transportation.

Weather forecast? Good. Bike tires inflated? Sí. Backpack sufficiently large to hold workclothes and sack lunch? Well...not quite. But if I could wear my work shoes for the ride (and not carry spares), I might just be able to transport everything I need, and not need to beg anyone to give me a lift. So be it, then. I shall drop off the car, ride down Santa Fe and across Titan Road, and arrive at the office well stimulated from a brisk ride -- and ready to tackle my assigned duties.

And thusly did events transpire. My only miscalculation was forgetting how dangerous and scary this route's traffic was on a workday. And how many steep hills there are. And how windy it always is at this time of year. And how my tender buttocks were totally unprepared for a grueling grind in the saddle.

I'd also failed to factor in a hard morning's workout at 24-Hr Fitness, which I had completed mere minutes before handing the keys to the bodyshop technician. In short, I had thought that my ride to work would be a pleasant and welcome change from the normal driving routine. After all, I'd experience open air instead of being confined to the car, and could listen to the sounds of nature as opposed to inane drivetime radio hosts...and it was only a couple of miles to ride.

Uh, right.

The good news is that I eventually made it safely to work. I was exhausted, smelly, partially deafened by traffic noise, and moving like a zombie... but I made it. It took an effort, though -- these last few months of confinement to the office have left me soft and weak. The few bike rides I've been doing have not yet created the buttockular imperviousness nor the hamstringian diesel power I need to develop before a ride like this once again becomes routine and carefree. I'll get there, though. My plan for the summer includes lots of ridin' and runnin' stay tuned. I hope to have tales of mighty athletic accomplishments and Herculean endeavors -- and far fewer of these "Don Knotts is tougher than me" blog entries.

Oh, and when I hopped into the workplace shower, I discovered that I had also forgotten my towel—But that's a different story entirely. For now, I'll sign off and wish you a fabulous day!


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