You Say Potato...

Anyway, the point is that most of the news broadcast services are now spelling the recently deceased Al Quaeda leader's name as "Usama". It used to be "Osama". And come to think of it, I'm not so sure about "Al Kayda", either. Or Ghaddafi. It's all very confusing. I'm supposed to be pretty good at spelling, but Middle Eastern names can certainly be a problem.
I do know how to spell "Hell", though, and I hope that many of Usama/Osama's closest friends will be joining him there very soon.
But I'm not going to go into great detail sharing my opinions about how our soldiers totally kick butt, or about the global impacts of having one less evil scumbag polluting the planet. Dozens of people around the globe will be discussing those topics, and though my opinion is surely more valuable than that of Geraldo Riviera or George Snuffleupagus, I'm pretty sure that my readers come here for athletic insights and advice about mutant invasions from outer space, etc. is today's medical news flash: Shin splints aren't necessarily healed just because your legs feel good for a day or two.
The good news is that I have started running again. Slow, short distances only...but at least it's a form of bipedal leg-powered locomotion intended to help me regain my fitness. The bad news is I still have a dull ache in the right shinbone, and am pretty sure that any doctor I saw would tell me to take another month off and slosh down a handful of Vicodin. I don't intend to do either, though I certainly won't be running long distances or pounding the pavement with any intensity for a while yet.
If you have any advice on my continuing stuggles with running rehab, let me know. (Don't bother if it's just "rest, ice, compression, and elevation" -- I'm well aware of that formula.) I'm looking for alternative "hot fudge sundaes" or "the winning Lotto ticket". I may even be willing to try sleeping under a pyramid or eating seafood -- after all, desperate times call for desperate measures. It's time to get creative. I look forward to hearing your ideas. In the meantime, if you see any current military, veterans, or folks from the intelligence services today, please give 'em a high-five and thank them for their service. And have a great day!
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