Saturday, April 30, 2011

You Missed the Point

Thanks for all the cards, letters and phone calls about the boredom blog. Apparently I struck a chord among the readership. Here's a brief summary of the comments I received:
  • Everybody is too busy these days. Even though we thought it was horrible at the time, many of my generation long for the idle days of youth, and would cherish a few days of boredom as much as they would cherish a chest full of Spanish doubloons or a date with Heather Locklear.

  • Kids today simply don't get bored. They can't. For my generation, a rainy day with only 3 TV stations meant that during soap opera hours, our only remaining entertainment option was GI Joe...and we had to impose strict limits on that sort of activity due to the universally-accepted "playing with dolls turns you gay" factor.

    Today, with computer games, YouTube, iPods, Druid phones and whatnot, there is no end to the options available to insulate our youth from boredom. Of course, since they don't go outside, they're likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency and will all grow up to look like Bill Gates...but that's a completely different topic.

  • Some of us do indeed have dull jobs. But they're still not boring—because of the sheer weight of the workload. Each individual task may be dull, but it's like water -- a single drop is bland and boring, but you're not going to fall asleep at the bottom of Niagara Falls.

  • Obama's birth certificate was Photoshopped.

  • Chicks are apparently quite happy with Britain's shiny new Princess and the storybook romance they can read about in the Enquirer. Dudes couldn't care less.
Thank you all for your feedback. But while I will not dispute the obvious truth of the observations you made, the sad fact is that YOU COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT!

Killer rabbits, people! Killer freakin' rabbits!

The comments should have been things like: "How did they get so big? And what's next? After all, Roseanne Barr has been seen in Snickers commercials...can the apocalypse be far behind? Shouldn't our legislators be passing more restrictions on nuclear power to prevent future rodent mutations? And how did those big bunnies eat all those people when their teeth were evolved to be strictly herbivorous? And did anyone who appeared in that movie ever get another job?

And that, my dear friends, brings us to our trivia question for the day. It neatly ties together the point about crossing the GI Joe play line with the threat of mutated hares: What does the movie "Night of the Lepus" have in common with the Rock Band "Twisted Sister"? If you find yourself on the threshold of boredom, you can chew on that one for a while.

Good luck, my friends. I'll post the answer tomorrow. In the meantime, get out and DO something fun, and have a great day!


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