
One of the great things about being a swim coach is that I get to meet outstanding and inspirational people, and that many of those people have also become my close friends.
Yes, I know that just being a regular member of the team and participating in practices would also bring such opportunities, but I don't think it's quite the same. Other than social time before and after practice, most of the folks only talk to the few people who share their lane; but as coach, I get to talk to (and get to know) everyone across all the lanes. I also have the privilege of devising challenges for them (though some would use the word "tortures"), and seeing how they respond.
Those responses almost always inspire and delight me. One example: The Colorado Masters Swimming Association State Championship meet was held this last weekend. (Results here.) Our team didn't have a huge turnout, but everyone who showed up swam well. Doug Smith improved his times from last year, despite having had some painful elbow surgery a few months ago. The amazingly youthful Reynold Kalstrom also improved on his previous bests, and ended up scoring half our team's total points all by himself. The only negative thing was when Jim Bartuska, our speediest swimmer at the meet, showed a little too much enthusiasm on one of his turns and ended up smacking his foot on the top of the gutter. But like the animal that he is, he continued to swim fast for the rest of the meet...despite a nasty and painful bruise.
These guys are all animals, and their performances have inspired me to try harder and to set some new goals for my own performances.
And what's really cool about our team is that the studs who kick butt in the championship meets aren't the only inspirational examples for the rest of us to follow. We have our amazing Iron Man competitors, our never-give-up ultra-runners, and our certifiably crazy long-distance open water swimmers as well. I'll be saying more about these incredible athletes and their awesome exploits in future posts. But today I just want to comment on my own weekend athletic adventure, which was inspired by my buddy Kim Clemens.
Due to my recent shin injury (compounded by my general wimpiness), I haven't been running lately. But Kim talked me into going up to Red Rocks on Sunday morning to ascend the steps a few times. I figured it would be a low-impact workout since I'd be moving so slowly, and convinced myself that I could handle it. I could always just walk up the stairs, and would get a good cardio workout from that.
But Kim had other plans; and by the time we left the amphitheater to head to the pool for swim practice, I could barely stand up, much less walk with any dignity. He not only talked me into racing up the steps multiple times (making one of the trips a "two-steps-at-a-time" challenge), but he also ran snakes through every stinkin' row of the bleachers (see photo above). I followed the best that I could, but had to skip a few rows here and there to keep from being left far behind.
The good news is that it was a beautiful morning, and I survived. I even expect to be able to walk through the soreness over the next few days. The bad news is that Kim is encouraging me to continue these Red Rocks torture sessions with him throughout the summer, adding in other challenges (such as running up the south ramp, extra snakes, pushups on the bleachers, and who knows what other hideous ordeals). And though I dread the thought of my lungs burning and calves screaming, the truth is that I'll probably do it. When you have inspirational and animalistic friends who set the bar high and encourage you to go for it, well, you pretty much have to get off your duff and put forth the effort, don't you?
I'll have more to say about the particular exploits of my athletic role models as the year progresses. But I just want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank all of you whose efforts and attitudes inspire and encourage me to keep working, and keep trying. I am indeed a lucky guy to have the high-quality friends and teammates that I do.
If you're on my swim team, I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about. And if you're not...well, you should definitely join. For now, though, I'm heading to the pool. When I start the morning by working out with a bunch of animals like these folks, I can't help but have a great day!
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