As the old saying goes, "If you don't like the weather in Colorado, wait a minute." Ha ha. This is a clever way of saying that we experience high volatility in our weather patterns here. Just a few days ago, we had 75° sunshine and a snowstorm within a 24 hour stretch.
But really, we don't have a particularly wide range of weather phenomena compared to some other parts of the world. The worst we suffer are blizzards, thunderstorms, extremes of temperature, and the occasional Zardoz-level winds. As our thoughts, prayers, and donations go out to help the victims of earthquakes and tsunamis, etc, we are each probably taking a few moments to count our meteorological blessings here in the Centennial State. And sometimes, the snow makes things really really pretty.
For now, though, I'm hoping that the next few days remain storm free here in the mile-high city, simply because I'm still making the egregiously long commute each day. I don' need no stinkin' blizzard messing wif my drive. As it is, the extended work schedule has compressed my household chore-time into a weekend frenzy of domestic activities that severely eats into what should be leisure activities. Instead of playing frisbee, hiking in the foothills, and sunbathing in my Speedo, I find myself hurrying to get my laundry done.
Yes, I do my own laundry. If I were wealthy, I'd hire a valet/ know, like the Brady's had Alice and the Cartwrights had Hop Sing. But since I'm neither an architect nor cattle baron, I'm stuck doing it all myself.
[Side question: Can you name any other people (real or fictional) whose name consists of two verbs? I suppose "Bob" and "Hope" are technically verbs and would qualify as a technically correct answer, but I'm looking for more visually appealling actions, like hopping and singing. Let me know if you think of any. Thanks.]
Anyway, when I took my sheets out of the dryer, I noticed that there was enough fabric caught in the lint filter to make a golf-ball sized wad of fuzz. That's the typical amount I get every single time I wash and dry the linens. It made me wonder: How many times can you wash sheets before they simply vanish? I can't recall this ever happening to me, and I'd think I'd remember if I had put some very thin sheets in the dryer and opened to door to find they were gone. On the other hand, I don't recall ever throwing away sheets because they were too emaciated to serve their purpose anymore. I know that I've been through zillions of sheet sets during my lifetime, but I honestly can't remember ever discarding any. Perhaps they get thinner and thinner with each laundry cycle, and then end up disintegrating in the linen closet. They just go away, and I've never noticed.
But speaking of Lint, I realized that I completely missed noticing Ash Wednesday this year. I'm not Catholic, so it's not that surprising that I didn't have the date marked on my calendar, but in most years I'll notice some coworkers recognizing the event, or I'll hear about it through the media. I guess my fatigue from the long commute is taking its toll on my general mental faculties in general, and especially on my observational capability. I suppose the fact that I've seen Cadbury bunny commercials on TV should've given me a clue. But all those did was make me crave chocolate, and to eat more that I should.
And in addition to religious observances, time changes, and the onset of Spring, it's also time for the Colorado Masters State Championship Swim Meet. I'm not swimming this year, but will attend to do my coaching duties and to cheer on my competing teammates. Stay tuned for reports on their performances. In the meantime, enjoy our wonderful weather, and have a great day!
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