Time's Fun When You're Having Flies
Much has happened since we last spoke. Turmoil in the land of mummies, freezing cold in Colorado, then warm sunny skies in Colorado, a new season of American Idol, Carmello Anthony being traded to the Mets -- yes, much has happened.
I'm sure everyone's waiting to hear my opinion on Egypt. Well, here it is: It's been a darn long time since there's been a good mummy movie. Yes, I know there are those who like Brendan Fraser, and I suppose "The Mummy" is one of his better films -- but that's still not really saying much. Give me Karloff every time.

A. Marion Michael Morrison
B. William Henry Pratt
C. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.
D. Gordan Matthew Thomas Sumner
E. Edson Arantes do Nascimento
F. Archibald Alexander Leach
G. Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.
H. Norma Jean Baker
I. Theodor S. Geisel
As far as I know, only one of the folks listed above was ever a movie mummy. The others achieved fame via other pursuits. But I don't think anyone's career has ever been hurt by playing a mummy, so I'd highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to expand their resume. If you have a fully-funded mummy movie project that needs a Director, let me know.
Anyway, I'm continuing to work on a crazy proposal, so consistent blogging is still an iffy thing. But I'll try my best to provide the answer to the Karloff Question tomorrow. In the meantime, please think about how a regime change in Egypt might affect the rampaging mummy population...and have a great day!
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