Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Scorecard

Before I share this year's Resolutions, let's check back and see how I did in reaching the goals I set for 2010. We'll take them one at a time.
  • Avoid sushi—Successful! I did not eat any uncooked fish the entire year.

  • Talk like a pirate more often—Partially successful. I probably did utter a few more "Arr"s than the previous year, but it probably wasn't enough for anyone to notice. I was hoping for associated side effects, such as chests of gold treasure, swashbuckling adventures, and world travels...but such a mild increase in pirate talk didn't seem to influence my life in any noticeable seaward direction. Sigh.

  • Go shopping for discounted Reese's eggs the day after Easter—Unsuccessful. I'm not sure what happened, but I plumb forgot to do this one. I'm sure I compensated with other chocolate treats, but it's just not the same.

  • Try to get the phrase "I am not Herbert" back into the popular lexicon—No luck on this one, either. The problem is that the majority of people I deal with on a daily basis ARE Herbert.

  • Get tickets to the final game of the World Series, and enjoy the Rockies' dominant victory performance—Hey, Tulo got injured. That's the only reason this one didn't work out.

  • Do more yoga—This one I did. There were a few problems with the idea, though. The first problem is that I really suck at yoga. No balance. Poor kinesthetic sense. Too many bean burritos for dinner the night before class -- that sort of thing. The second problem was that 24-Hr Fitness changed the class schedule and put in some sort of disco workout nonsense in place of the Thursday yoga class. The bottom line is that after some serious analysis, I've decided that my morning workout time was more productively spent in activities other than yoga. I haven't given up the idea of gaining better balance and flexibility, but such efforts shall be done in the privacy of my own home.

So, was 2010 a success? Well, if my resolution ratings are the only indicator, I'd say..."moderately". But there were other good things about the year that don't show up on the short list above. Um...I can't think of what they all were at the moment, but I'm sure there were many.

But what about 2011? What should I resolve for this year? Hmm. I'll have to think about that. I'll let you know tomorrow. In the meantime, let's all resolve to have a great year!


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