Senior Moments

But I don't think it applies. For one thing, I'm not old; I'm in the prime of life! I know that there are established definitions of "Senior", but those are based on age, and since there is a vast difference in health and fitness among people of the same chronological age, I reject such definitions...unless they get me a discount at IHOP.
Besides, mental lapses can occur at any age. I remember my brother having one when he was barely two years old: He stuck my mom's car keys into an electrical outlet. Pretty stupid, all right, but you can't blame it on old age. And I was only in high school when I threw out my collection of baseball cards (with FOUR Mickey Mantles and a couple of Koufaxes). And worst of all, I once paid good money for a movie ticket to see "Out of Africa".
The point is that my latest little brain lock is not due to advanced age, senility, or any other time-based decline in intellectual faculties. It was just the normal inattention to detail that happens when I'm busy with multiple projects and focused on diverse topics. I apologize.
But I can't promise that it won't happen again. The "hiatus-Hiyata" thing is just too cute to avoid. I know I'd used it in a blog before, but...
Wait a minute. I'm not sure how long ago that was. Perhaps you've all forgotten, too, and I didn't need to embarrass myself with an admission of my human frailty. Let me check. While I'm doing that, please enjoy the following moment of classic cinema:
Hmmm. I searched back about a year and didn't find it. But I just know I've embedded an Ultraman video before. Does anybody remember this? Or am I really and truly losing it? (Hey, feel free to search the blog archives and review some of those other oh-so-special Meryl Streep-bashing moments of past posts. Could be fun.)
[By the way, I looked on YouTube for the clip from "Zorro the Gay Blade" where he says "I am the perfhect ezhample of a Spanish nobleman een heez prime" to accompany my own assertion of prime-ness...but I couldn't find that clip. The duck/bear/pig sequence is a good one, though. I hope you enjoyed it. I also like this clip. Oh, and in addition to answering my question about previous Ultraman references, I'll give 5 bonus points to anyone who can identify the photo at the top of the column.]
OK, that's all for today. I hope to avoid such editorial duplications-of-effort in the future. As always, thanks for your patronage -- and have a great day!
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