Thursday, September 2, 2010

Senior Moments

Al Gore in the year 2035The term "Senior Moment" has become very popular for describing those small lapses in memory or cognitive function that seem to become more common as one ages. On occasion, I've been known to use the term to describe some bonehead thing I've done, since its meaning seems to be well understood by most people around whom I'm likely to exhibit boneheadedness.

But I don't think it applies. For one thing, I'm not old; I'm in the prime of life! I know that there are established definitions of "Senior", but those are based on age, and since there is a vast difference in health and fitness among people of the same chronological age, I reject such definitions...unless they get me a discount at IHOP.

Besides, mental lapses can occur at any age. I remember my brother having one when he was barely two years old: He stuck my mom's car keys into an electrical outlet. Pretty stupid, all right, but you can't blame it on old age. And I was only in high school when I threw out my collection of baseball cards (with FOUR Mickey Mantles and a couple of Koufaxes). And worst of all, I once paid good money for a movie ticket to see "Out of Africa".

The point is that my latest little brain lock is not due to advanced age, senility, or any other time-based decline in intellectual faculties. It was just the normal inattention to detail that happens when I'm busy with multiple projects and focused on diverse topics. I apologize.

But I can't promise that it won't happen again. The "hiatus-Hiyata" thing is just too cute to avoid. I know I'd used it in a blog before, but...

Wait a minute. I'm not sure how long ago that was. Perhaps you've all forgotten, too, and I didn't need to embarrass myself with an admission of my human frailty. Let me check. While I'm doing that, please enjoy the following moment of classic cinema:

Hmmm. I searched back about a year and didn't find it. But I just know I've embedded an Ultraman video before. Does anybody remember this? Or am I really and truly losing it? (Hey, feel free to search the blog archives and review some of those other oh-so-special Meryl Streep-bashing moments of past posts. Could be fun.)

[By the way, I looked on YouTube for the clip from "Zorro the Gay Blade" where he says "I am the perfhect ezhample of a Spanish nobleman een heez prime" to accompany my own assertion of prime-ness...but I couldn't find that clip. The duck/bear/pig sequence is a good one, though. I hope you enjoyed it. I also like this clip. Oh, and in addition to answering my question about previous Ultraman references, I'll give 5 bonus points to anyone who can identify the photo at the top of the column.]

OK, that's all for today. I hope to avoid such editorial duplications-of-effort in the future. As always, thanks for your patronage -- and have a great day!


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