
The last month has been full, and I have much to tell you.
When I switched jobs a year ago, I was expecting to have abundant leisure time, and to spend much of that time engaged in creative activites such as blogging, novel writing, and video creation. But (especially lately) I seem to have found my calendar to be clogged, and free time to be nonexistent. I wouldn't go so far as to say I've been overwhelmed, since I'm not really stressed out or anything...but I certainly have been active.
As I mentioned in the previous posts, my dad came to Colorado for a nice visit, and I spent some time hanging out with him. Then I flew to Seattle to visit Tanner and his friends (see photo above), and I'll have more to say about that later. The highlights of the trip included an open water swimming event, a bunch of driving and walking around in an unfamiliar city, car breakdowns, fine dining, and a cherished opportunity to see where my son was living.

I'll share more about the Seattle trip (including photos) in later posts, and I'll also talk about my trip to Wichita for my sister's surprise birthday party. But that will have to wait until the level of whelming goes down a bit. In the meantime, I'm trying to get in shape for a trail running race, keep up with proposal work at the office, and learn enough about Facebook to manage the new Foothills Masters Swim Team page that Leif set up for the team. It's going to be an exciting new way to communicate with everyone; check it out when you get a chance!
In the meantime, I'm going to try to keep up with everything that's going on. Wish me luck, and have a great weekend!
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