Well, one mystery has been solved: The missing knife had fallen into the ointment drawer. Not sure how that happened, since I don't think the drawer was open when I bumped the knife off the counter. But it was dark, and I suppose it's more plausible to think that the normally-closed drawer was open and the "clattering on the floor" sound was really my sleepy misinterpretation of "clattering in the drawer"...than to suppose that the knife hit the floor, waited for me to leave the room, then crawled itself back up the cabinet and snuggled itself in among the BenGay and Vaseline.
But who really knows for sure?
Anyway, it's been an interesting week, which I'll get to in a moment. First, though: Pirates.

The first panel actually initiates a new mystery for us: Why don't any parents name their little boys "Errol" anymore? And why would pirates wear their hair long, anyway? They had plenty of hair-cutting tools, what with all the cutlasses and daggers and'd think being at sea would make shampooing a luxury, and therefore a nice buzzcut would be the reasonable choice, right? Anyway, the film is "Captain Blood", and Errol Flynn flashed his blade and his smile with equal expertise.
The second fellow is the Dread Pirate Roberts (aka Westley the Stable Boy), played by Cary Elwes in "The Princess Bride". (I don't know of any other Westleys, either, come to think of it.) This might be my favorite cinematic pirate, mostly because of the style with which he dispatches Spaniards, Giants, and Geniuses.
Robert Shaw's best-known seafaring role is probably as Cap'n Quint in "Jaws", but he also made a B-grade pirate movie entitled "Swashbuckler." Despite its less-than-stellar box office performance, the movie did feature a few other stars, such as James Earl Jones (Darth Vader), Peter Boyle (Frankenstein's Monster), and Angelica Huston, who was also in "Ice Pirates"...which happens to be the film featured in the next panel.
I'm not sure why, but I enjoyed "Ice Pirates." It's pretty stupid, and one of the pirates (John Matuzak) had the unforgivable character flaw of playing for the Oakland Raiders...but on the plus side, it has Ron Perlman (Beauty and the Beast, Hellboy) without makeup. With the possible exception of Ray Park (Darth Maul, Toad), Perlman is the world's most successful and memorable actor who's usually covered by latex and paint. Anyway, I had a few laughs while watching it. Robert Urich (SWAT, Vegas, and about 100 other TV shows) gets the lead billing and is an acceptable, if overly eloquent pirate.
The bandana-headed fellow in the next panel is Alan Tudyk as "Steve the Pirate" in the movie "Dodgeball". Tudyk's breakout role was as the starship pilot in "Serenity", but he's been in a million other shows, too, and is always good. He doesn't really do any swashbuckling or plundering (or any other piratical activities) in Dodgeball, but he's an essential part of the team, nonetheless.
And the last guy is Anthony Michael Hall (16 Candles Geek, Rusty Griswold, the Dead Zone) as Bill Gates in "The Pirates of Silicon Valley". I know everyone was thinking it was Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, and I do recognize the resemblance, but no. (I thought the PC was a pretty big hint.)
Anyway, last weekend was an interesting one, and it involved lots of running (most of which was not mine). On Saturday, I went downtown to watch some friends run in the Denver Rock n' Roll Marathon and Half-Marathon. I didn't see any pirates, but there were some coneheads, men wearing tutus, and tons of eye-searingly bright running shoes.

It's an indisputable fact that swimmers are the world's highest quality group of people -- greatly exceeding societal norms in every measure of intelligence, personality, and general goodness -- but I have to say that a bunch of runners can constitute an aesthetically pleasing subsection of humanity, as well. And having 15,000 of them in Civic Center Park gives the city a joyful and infectious energy that just makes you darn glad to be an American. To paraphrase the old fishing axiom, the worst day at a race event is better than the best day in the office. I couldn't stop smiling as I watched folks herd themselves into their starting pens.
It made me wish that I could run another marathon someday. Hmm. Well, who knows? I suppose it's possible.

Over the next 4 hours or so, I rode the bike around to various vantage points and stopped to cheer, take photos, and marvel at the spectacle of so many people pushing themselves to go farther and faster. It was a beautiful day, and there was plenty to see.

I find it inspiring.
So...guess what I did the next day? That's right -- a long run. I tested my legs in Waterton Canyon for a little over 8 miles on Sunday. (Well, OK, by Marathon Maniacs standards, that distance would be considered nothing more than a light warmup. But I have to start somewhere, right?) This was the beginning of my plan to run farther, more frequently, and with stride lengths that accomodate my chronic funky hamstring problem. I was off to a great start!
But then I caught a cold, darn it. Didn't exercise at all on Monday or Tuesday. But I'll be starting up again soon, and will keep you posted. In the meantime, be sure to get outside to enjoy the lovely fall weather, and have a great day!
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