Beans and Bad Bands
I'm feeling beat up this morning. I ran hard on the treadmill at the gym yesterday morning, and then my brother talked me into doing a track workout last night. Running twice in one day is an ordeal for someone like me...but I forced myself to do it.
And actually, the track workout went pretty well. Tanner came along, too, so I had the psychological benefit of being beaten badly buy TWO guys instead of just one. But that's OK -- I worked hard.
After the workout, we had dinner at Chipotle, which is ironic considering it's one of the possible answers to yesterday's restaurant trivia quiz. Did you guess that correctly?
The fellow on the left in the photo is a dude named Lewis Black. As far as I can tell, he's the love child of Sam Kinison and Andy Rooney -- he makes a living by complaining about things in an annoyingly loud and profane way. Apparently, he's quite popular among unemployed drug addicts and the like.
The gentleman on the right is Thomas Hulce, the actor who was nominated for an Oscar for playing Liszt (or Mozart, or one of them other hi-falutin' Greeks). As pictured here, though, he's playing the "Animal House" Fraternity recruit who was given the Delta pledge name "Pinto". Ergo, the question we posed is "Black or Pinto?", which the kind folks at Chipotle will always ask you about your preference in bean application. (In Spanish, beans are known as "frijoles"--pronounced "freeholays", which means that the phrase "Holy frijoles" translates to something along the lines of "deified beans", which really doesn't make any sense at all, does it?)
If you answered "Qdoba", you'll also receive credit for being correct -- even though I think it's just plain wrong to use a single consonant as an entire syllable. The only legitimate use of the letter "Q" not followed by a "U" is to name quirky, insult-slinging characters who have the power to perform miracles.
Actually, I'm sure that any number of Mexican-ish restaurants might give you a choice of bean genres, so I'll accept any answers that were offered in the context of burritos and/or combo plates, etc.
Well done!

But no. I was going for something much simpler. The answer is "A Flock of Seagals". That's all.
Have a great day.
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