Ch-ch-ch Changes

Yes, my friends, I'm leaving the Rocket Ranch and returning to ITN Energy Systems ( I'm leaving a company with hundreds of thousands of employees to join a company with fewer than 50. Like LM, it's all about cutting-edge high tech stuff, except that ITN is specifically focused on energy technologies. My job will be to help the scientists with their documentation, which means I'll still be writing, editing, and developing graphics. I'll be working with incredibly smart people (which is very cool) and will do so in an environment with far less bureaucracy and fewer impediments to creativity (which is even cooler).
I know what you're asking: "But Terry, how will this affect your blog? Will this mean the end of Star Trek trivia quizzes and comical observations about popular entertainers? Will your new responsibilities affect the regularity of your postings? Will you still be able to keep us informed about threats from meteorological phenomena, alien invaders, and Commie sleeper cells?"
Have no fears, gentle readers. I promise that I shall continue my crusade to keep you informed about all topics of Universal Magnitude, including Rockies baseball, Shatner/Nimoy controversies, the Morlock/Eloi shenanigans in Washington, and of course, swimming. I assure you that astounding fun times are ahead, and I truly hope you'll join me for the journey.

- More consistency in blog postings. (More about this in a minute.)
- More videos on my YouTube site.
- Continued commentary on social phenomena, including instructions on what to think about each trend. (Example: BTO = Good, U2 = Bad)
- Inane observations about daily life. Some of these will be available in Twitter form...once I figure out how the thing works.
- Occasional hints and tips regarding enhancing athletic performance.
I'd like to ask your support as I head off into my new adventures. Please subscribe to this blog -- and to my twitter feed. (I'll provide the handle as soon as I figure out how it works.) Then, please bug the heck out of me if you haven't seen anything new every few days. With my new work schedule, I have no excuse for being a slacker. Hold me to it, friends.
Next up: A report on the Leadville Trail 100 run. Until then, have a great day!
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