Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BSOD Update

I haven't made much progress in fixing my computer. But I'm trying not to let it frustrate me; I have enough frustration in life -- having to work for a living and having to ration my chocolate-covered peanuts to avoid compounding my existing obesity. It is amazing, though, how the malfunctioning of one tool so greatly impacts a person's life. I could live without my garbage disposal, vacuum cleaner, or 8-track tape player for a while I suppose -- but trying to get by without a car, refrigerator, or Stratocaster, etc., well, that would be really difficult.

But as Shakespeare (or Stephen King, or one of them other hi-falutin' Greeks) once said, "All work and no home computer with Internet access makes Terry go crazy!" Until I can solve my Blue Screen of Death problem, I'd advise you to tread softly within my personal space, OK? Thanks.

The good news is that I discovered that Microsoft tech support is available until 9pm, so perhaps I can solve the problem without having to take a day off work. Then again...I would really enjoy taking a day off work, so if I can convince my coworkers that they could survive for a few hours without my wisdom and guidance...I might just snag myself a vacation day later in the week.

How long do you think it will take to solve the problem? Will it be one of those ordeals where I spend 3 hours on the phone with the tech support guy who says his name is Michael but it's really Sanjay? Will it require rebooting so many times that he'll exhaust his pre-scripted list of inane pleasantries while we wait to see that the changes we made didn't solve a darned thing? "How's the weather there in Denver?" "Do you think the Broncos will make it into the World Cup this year?" and "Have you seen the new Star Wars movie yet? -- I hear the new Spock is almost as good as Leonid Nemo."

I'm betting I won't be on the phone long. Once the dude understands my problem, I suspect he'll be quick to send me back to McAfee, who sent me to Microsoft in the first place. It'll the classic runaround gambit, with the end result of me going back to Norton and paying the fifty bucks.

Sigh. Wish me luck. Thanks!


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