Thursday, March 19, 2009

Where's Waldo?

OK, are you ready for another one of my "Why can't I win Lotto so I'll have more time to write blogs?" rants?

[Actually, if I won Lotto, the truth is that I'd probably be flying my Learjet to Nova Scotia (yadda yadda yadda) -- and you'd never hear from me again. But I like to think that my passion for this forum of frivolous wordplay would be great enough to keep me pounding the keyboard in a tireless effort to clog the Internet, even if I were part of the "Jeeves, tell Parker to fetch the mauve Rolls for an outing to the Club" set.]

As you've probably guessed, my recent absence from the Web can be attributed to the same factors as usual: being busy at work, having lots to do in my personal life, and having a brain the size of a peanut. The "busy at work" part is the major factor right now, since I recently had to prepare for a trip to Alabama...which is where I am now. I expect to remain pretty darn busy for the duration of this trip, so I don't expect to be posting much new info until I arrive back in Denver at the end of the month.

Thank you for your patience.

The good news is that the trip has been lovely so far. Huntsville is a pleasant enough place, the people are friendly, and the weather has been superb. I found an excellent place to swim (more about that in a future blog), and can eat anything I want at company expense.

The bad news is that the eating has outpaced the swimming, and by a wide margin. Oops. I feel like I'm channeling the ghost of Orson Welles. (Or for the Nero Wolfe fans, William Conrad.)

Anyway, I'll try my best to share some of the local flavor with you. There's an excellent Space Flight Museum here, some attractive forest-covered hills, and a Waffle House restaurant on every street corner. The local speech rythyms are hypnotically melodic, the radio stations have LOTS of country music and religious programming, and the streets are filled with all the people and cars who were featured in "The Ballad of Ricky Bobby". I'm having fun.

So please accept my apologies for the lightness of the blog for the next week or so. I do have some good stories to share concerning air travel, hotel accomodations, and living on the corporate credit card. So please keep checking back. As always, thank you for your continued patronage.

Have a great day!


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