Saturday, April 4, 2009

Life in the Fast Lane

Lately I've felt a bit like I'm the amphibian in a game of Frogger -- constantly moving backward and forward to dodge the trucks, buses, and Mad-Max-mobiles that have been hurtling down the highway toward me. I sincerely apologize for my letting this blog suffer while I was hippity-hopping through traffic, searching for a lilley pad of peace and quiet.

(Gack! You know I'm losing it when I resort to frog and/or video game similes. If I ever compare myself to Ms. Pac-Man, just shoot me, OK?)

Short summary: I went to Huntsville, AL, for a couple of weeks of intense and brutal proposal work (which I shall describe in some detail when I get a bit of time -- some interesting bits within those lost weeks, I assure you). Upon my return to Colorado, I have spent my time catching up on all those things that keep a person healthy and out of jail (eg, housecleaning, laundry, paying bills), as well as trying to prepare for the State Championship swim meet as best I could after the trip. In fact, the swim meet began last night and continues through the weekend, and I need to get going if I'm going to make it to warmup on time -- especially considering the apocalyptic blizzard that the newsmongers have been wailing about for the last couple of days.

So what this means is that I shall leave you with a promise of another couple of days of blogosphere vacuum, along with the intent to return with tales of strange lands and different cultures, draconian working conditions, athletic triumphs and/or agonies, and finally, the long-awaited follow-up on the voiceover adventure story. There are also additional swim training videos coming (flip turns, etc), and coverage of the public debut of DomeCube. So do not despair, my friends. There are good times ahead!

As always, thank you for your patronage, and have an excellent day!


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