Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bike to Work Day

Are you riding your bike to work today? I'm planning to. In fact, I would probably ride my bike to work regularly...if it it weren't for a couple of factors:

1) I don't get out of the pool until well after 7:00, and I'm supposed to be at work before 8:00. There's just not enough time to get all the gear together and make the trip within those constraints.

2) This time of year, there are a lot of thunderstorms in the afternoon, and I'm too much of a wimp to ride my bike when there's rain, hail, and lightning.

3) It's not as easy to go out for lunch when you don't have a car.

I know what you're thinking: "Dude. Just bring your lunch." And that's a good thought. But when I put all my work clothes (including shoes) into the backpack along with a lunch, well, the food's gonna get a bit squished, isn't it?

I know what you're thinking: "Terry, you eat squished food all the time and never complain about it. Heck, you'd probably even eat stuff that's been dropped on the floor, rolled around in the dirt, and picked up by a leper." To which I respond: you have no witnesses; you can't prove anything.

But even if I concede the squishyness point, there remain the concerns about Nature's Wrath and job demerits due to lack of promptness. And I'm not even mentioning the environmental concerns of having to oil my chain more often, thus depleting the world's petroleum reserves. Any way you look at it, Mother Gaia does not want me riding every day. Who am I to argue?

For today, though, I have been ordered to ride by no less of an authority than the infamous Dr. COG. I can either work late to make up for my tardiness, or more likely, take some vacation in order to leave early enough to avoid the storms. There's not much going on at the office right now, so I should be fine.

Stay tuned for further coverage of this event. And whether you ride your bike or not, have a great day!


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