Happy New Year!

2016 is here...and I'm not sure I'm entirely ready for it.
I had good intentions about blogging over the holiday break, but I didn't really get a break. Between a trip to Wichita and time spent with my favorite people, I managed to fill every moment with frenzied activity. Most of it was full of holiday cheer and bubbly, carol-soaked noggery, and it zipped by like a japanese bullet train on HGH.
Ergo, my planned actor-based quiz extravaganza hasn't happened yet. But it IS coming, my friends, and you can expect to be challenged and charmed by this journey into obscure movie trivia.
Um, yes, I do realize that very few readers are the least bit interested in whether Paul Carr looks like the dude that flew a jet in "Tomorrow is Yesterday" -- but it amuses me to explore such questions. Just not right now. I have other things going on.

So, in addition to featuring trivia quizzes based on the faces of old actors, this blog will soon be featuring a detailed description of the challenges one faces in navigating the government's baffling unemployment labyrinth. There might also be a few photos of groovy places I've visited, descriptions of fun workouts, and the standard unstructured political ranting. It'll be a hoot, I promise. Please come back and join us when this feature resumes its regular pace after one more week of hiatus.
Thank you for your infinite patience. I apologize for the long break...but good times are ahead. Should be fun! In the meantime, have a great week!
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