
Of course, most of the obstacles I find in my path are entirely self-inflicted...
but this renders them no less onerous.
So, you ask, what the heck have I been doing lo these past months? Well, my friends, I wish I could tell rousing tales of adventure and accomplishment, and fill these pages with indictors of glory and honor...but alas, this is not to be. Do not fear: I haven't been a slacker -- not by any means -- but the tangible evidence of all my efforts and elbow grease is unfortunately scant. I swear to you that I have been as busy as a tribble's nanny, and you'll just have to take my word for it.
Things have really picked up at my office. Our company has spun off a new subsidiary, and efforts to ramp up are in full swing. I hope to provide more details about that later, but suffice it to say that my workdays are currently replete with the sounds of cracking corporate whips and the wailing of the oppressed. (And by "the oppressed", I mean those of us who willingly exchange our daily freedom and intellectual output for the financial compensation that allows us to buy chocolate ice cream and multiple pairs of running shoes.)
So, there is momentum at the office, where the accelerated work pace appears destined to continue to infinity and beyond...or at least through the end of 2015. And there is momentum in my athletic life as well -- my workouts with Revolution Running continue to improve my speed and form. I wouldn't yet say I enjoy running -- but I am hating it far less than I used to.
And the Foothills Masters Swim Team continues to thrive. When I have the time, I hope to share some of the amazing accomplishments we have recently seen from among our ranks.
In other news, I must announce that I am returning to my part-time lifeguarding gig. Will this result in more frequent blogs? Probably not.
Well, then, what would enable me to be a better chronicler of events within this space? Hmm. I'm guessing that a Lotto jackpot is just about the only thing at this point. But despite my lack of time, I know that I still owe you a report on look-alike actors, as well as more amazing Star Trek trivia, lame jokes, and advice on the 2016 elections. I shall do my best to deliver. But in the meantime, well -- it's time for running practice. We're doing hill sprints on Dinosaur Ridge again. Ugh.
Thanks for dropping by. Wish me luck, and have a great day!
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