Transporter Malfunction

He can play Good Kirk, Evil Kirk, Kirok, Janice Lester, or even T.J. Hooker...and come out of it feeling fine.
But when I find myself behaving differently on different days, well, it bothers me. I'm just not sure what to do about it.
In the old days, there was a condition they called "manic-depressive." Nowadays, I believe they refer to it as being "bipolar," which is NOT an improvement in terminology, if you ask me. They also labeled people as having a "split personality," or being "schizo." If you were really fragmented, they called you "Sally Field."
I am not suffering from any of those conditions. In fact, I'm not really suffering at all. It's just that I am experiencing a bit of productivity oscillation; some days I accomplish a lot...and some days I'm pretty much a slug. This isn't too troubling as long as the vast majority of the days are solidly on the side of achievement. But unfortunately, my inner slug has recently elevated his on-base percentage.
[Side question: Is it still considered a "slump" if a team loses something like 13 out of 16 games? Or do they just suck? How many seasons below .500 do you need before you're considered a perennial loser? How bad is a team when any victory is considered a fluke?]
I wonder if it's due to the summer heat? I'm quite certain that my plantar fasciitis is a contributor; if my foot felt great, I'd be far more tempted to be outside doing stuff. But maybe it is a general performance plague that has spread from Coors Field out into the suburbs. Or maybe I just shouldn't eat so much peanut butter at this time of year.
It would be good to have more days on the upside, that's all I'm saying. Oh sure, I have seen a couple of good movies on TV while I've been glued to the couch, and I've been reading a bit more, too. But summer is supposed to be a time of adventure -- a time to conquer mountains and swim across oceans! A time to try new things, to challenge boundaries, and to seek enlightenment through travel and exploration!

Right now, though, I'm really sleepy. I think I'll go take a nap.
After that, though -- it's GO time. I'll tell you of my epic adventures (assuming I have them) in upcoming posts. Have a great day!
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