Transporter Malfunction
William Shatner is comfortable displaying multiple personalities.
He can play Good Kirk, Evil Kirk, Kirok, Janice Lester, or even T.J. Hooker...and come out of it feeling fine.
But when I find myself behaving differently on different days, well, it bothers me. I'm just not sure what to do about it.
In the old days, there was a condition they called "manic-depressive." Nowadays, I believe they refer to it as being "bipolar," which is NOT an improvement in terminology, if you ask me. They also labeled people as having a "split personality," or being "schizo." If you were really fragmented, they called you "Sally Field."
I am not suffering from any of those conditions. In fact, I'm not really suffering at all. It's just that I am experiencing a bit of productivity oscillation; some days I accomplish a lot...and some days I'm pretty much a slug. This isn't too troubling as long as the vast majority of the days are solidly on the side of achievement. But unfortunately, my inner slug has recently elevated his on-base percentage.
[Side question: Is it still considered a "slump" if a team loses something like 13 out of 16 games? Or do they just suck? How many seasons below .500 do you need before you're considered a perennial loser? How bad is a team when any victory is considered a fluke?]
I wonder if it's due to the summer heat? I'm quite certain that my plantar fasciitis is a contributor; if my foot felt great, I'd be far more tempted to be outside doing stuff. But maybe it is a general performance plague that has spread from Coors Field out into the suburbs. Or maybe I just shouldn't eat so much peanut butter at this time of year.
It would be good to have more days on the upside, that's all I'm saying. Oh sure, I have seen a couple of good movies on TV while I've been glued to the couch, and I've been reading a bit more, too. But summer is supposed to be a time of adventure -- a time to conquer mountains and swim across oceans! A time to try new things, to challenge boundaries, and to seek enlightenment through travel and exploration!
The good news is that I have some excellent workouts planned for the remainder of the week. I'm enjoying my CPT studies, and am looking forward to my upcoming trip to Milwaukee. Perhaps my slump is already over, and today will be an early member of a long string of highly productive days. You never could happen.
Right now, though, I'm really sleepy. I think I'll go take a nap.
After that, though -- it's GO time. I'll tell you of my epic adventures (assuming I have them) in upcoming posts. Have a great day!
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