Calling Major Kong

WARNING: This post contains political commentary. Reading it may render you subject to IRS audit. (Sorry about that.)
The good news is that I think my foot is getting better. I'm actually going to try to do a significant run on Saturday. And my CPT training manual arrived today, so my serious studies have begun. At the same time, I've had a couple of really good workout days, and am feeling good. Oh sure, the fridge is empty and the laundry is piling up to critical mass...but you can't have everything. Oh well.
Anyway, I'll keep this short, but I just feel compelled to share my opinion on World Cup Soccer. Here it is:
We should immediately nuke a significant portion of the Middle East.
I truly believe that it was a noble experiment to attempt to establish democracy and freedom over there. But the data is in, and it seems conclusive. Civilization is not ever going to take root among the barbaric religious tribal pinheads over there. As long as they exist, they will be a danger to the rest of the world.
Obviously, no political leader can get away with ordering Wing Attack Plan R, but perhaps there's a 2014 analog of General Ripper out there somewhere who could pull it off. That way, we could all engage in politically correct tsk-tsking, while secretly applauding the General's patriotic decisiveness, and the world would quickly find itself much nearer to solving its largest problem.
I know these views are not popular. But my record is spotless -- every single time a World Leader has followed one of my recommendations, it has turned out to be the correct course of action.
Yeah, OK -- it has been a while since that has happened. But that reminds me of one more of the rival pairs we were discussing yesterday. As much as I like James Bond (well, some incarnations, anyway), he obviously takes a distant second place behind Derek Flint.
You probably knew this already, but James Coburn studied Jeet Kune Do under Bruce Lee. And speaking of people named Lee, you might find it interesting to compare these two movies clips: Our Man Flint and The Tiger and the Dragon. (Pay particular attention to the screams.) Great art often shares common themes, doesn't it?
Oh, yeah, and soccer is...well, it's just stupid.
No political ranting tomorrow. Please drop by then. Have a great day!
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