Monday, March 24, 2014

Big Air, Part 2

Given the right conditions, it's possible to have a lot of fun sledding...even with low-tech equipment.

This photo shows Tanner going over the "jump" at Carter Park in Breckenridge. The hill was long, but not particularly steep...and with the spongy foam disc we brought, it wasn't possible to get enough speed to make it to the bottom of the hill.

And after that first peak, the bumps on the course were barely noticeable. But we still had plenty of laughs watching each other attempt to ride the hill without looking completely ridiculous. (No one was entirely successful, I'm afraid.)

I have a lot more photos from our mini-vacation, as well as other tales of adventures at the resort. We did not ski, but I did get to sit in a hot tub, listen to some live music, and eat enough s'mores and Mexican food to ensure that I'll be fat and slow at the State Meet this coming weekend. I hope to tell you more about it, but we'll have to see how much this week's proposal frenzy takes out of me. I'm a busy boy.

But Spring is finally here, and the season holds tremendous promise for fun and fulfillment. Get outside and have a great day, OK?


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