More About Cats

I didn't realize until later that TC was a rip-off of Sgt. Bilko, and that the Flintstones were just copying The Honeymooners. Yogi Bear promoted criminal behavior, Quickdraw McGraw perpetuated inappropriate racial stereotypes, and the entire H-B programming line gave viewers an astounding amount of misinformation regarding animal anatomy and behaviors among non-humans. I'll have to check Wikipedia to verify this, but I'm pretty sure it was a backlash against Hanna Barbera cartoons that prompted the founding of PETA.
The Batman TV show, on the other hand, always remained firmly rooted in reality. Every villain's particular obsession was plausible, and the traps laid for the Dynamic Duo were purrfectly consistent with the guest criminal's flair for the dramatic. But let's face it, Catwoman is the best feline character on any program, ever. Period.
So that's where we find today's quiz. Can you correctly identify how each of our featured Catwomen are connected to the guys in the next strip?
That might be the easiest quiz I've ever posted. The next one will also feature Batman villains and their connections, but might be a tad less obvious. We'll have some fun with that one, I'm sure. In the meantime, let me know which television or movie cats are your favorites, and have a great day!
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