A Lot to Learn

Am I the only person in America who has absolutely zero interest in the fact that there's a new baby in line for the British throne? I find the level of US news coverage of this event rather astounding, especially since this kid is not likely to affect us in any way. Ever.
And yet, nobody covered the birth of Kim Jong Un, who is a far more influential royal ugly dude. If some British prince grows up to be a psychotic pinhead, it's unlikely that he'll be given control of a nuclear arsenal. But crazy little Un already has his finger on the button...and the media remains content to ignore him.
Thoroughly unpleasant people like Gordon Ramsay, Donald Trump, and all those Kardashi-whatsits must draw viewers or they wouldn't be finding sponsors for their shows. And meanwhile, truly outstanding people like Karen Nyberg remain completely unknown. I don't get it.
Oh well. I guess I'll have to accept that I'm abnormal. I can't get the hang of Facebook, don't own any Apple devices, and prefer BTO to Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, or Kanye West. I am destined to be forever exiled from the mainstream. Sigh.
The bike seems pretty nice. It shifts instantly, seems to roll over bumps with ease, and is fairly comfortable. The bad news is that I have no detectable mountain biking skills at all. Even though the Cathy Johnson trail is rated as one of the easiest in the state, I was pretty much terrified as I rode down its gentle slope. I didn't fall, nor was I ever in any real danger -- but I certainly recognized the need for more experience, more confidence, and additional knowledge. Fortunately, I have a wealth of resources among my swim team friends, and certainly intend to take advantage of their willingness to share their expertise.
The next challenge is Green Mountain on Friday. It may be too steep and too challenging for a neophyte like me, but if I chicken out when I get to the hill, I can still get some good exercise just riding up and down Rooney Road. I know that I'll get better with practice, and I have to start somewhere. Wish me luck, and have a great day!
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