
This is odd. While I do usually set an alarm on the days I'm coaching, I am almost always awake before it goes off. I am a morning person, and am usually 100% alert and ready to get the day started from the moment I open my eyes. I accomplish more in my first few hours than I do during the rest of the day combined.
So why did I stay asleep until after 4:00 this morning?
I should have recovered from the Pike's Peak hike by now. Oh sure, I got up a little earlier that morning, and didn't sleep all that well because of the leg soreness afterwards...but that was days ago. I ran a track workout last night and was pleased that my legs seemed to be operational. I got to bed at a decent hour. I should be recovered.
Oh well. The good news is that I don't have too many meetings at the office today. If I start getting drowsy at my desk, I can just get up and walk around. I plan to play tennis tonight after work, but should still be home in time for another good night's sleep. Perhaps after that, I'll be back to my normal level of alertness.
I need to be sharp for the race car thingy on Friday. I coach swim practice on Saturday morning, but then hope to get in some good bike and run training over the rest of the weekend. I'll also see if I can finish my next article for "USMS Swimmer" magazine. (If anyone has any topics you'd like to see me write about for USMS, please let me know. I should be talking to the editor again later this week. Thanks!)
In the meantime, I guess there's always caffeine. Or trivia challenges -- like finding the common element between the folks pictured below. If anyone has any other tips for maintaining alertness while slogging away at the corporate computer console, by all means, share them with me. I'd appreciate anything that can help keep the ZZZs away. Thanks, and have a great day!
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