Waterton Canyon!

Reynold and I went out there Friday morning after swim practice and ran up to the bridge and back. It was wonderful!
The road was smooth and (mostly) dry. The equipment was gone. We weren't attacked by any sheep, bears, or pumas...and no other runners overtook us from behind. The wind made things a bit chilly when we started, but we got a boost from it on the return trip. We felt good enough to sprint the last mile.
And the really good news is that I completed my longest run of 2012 without a single injury or complaint!

The bad news is that I now no longer have an excuse to avoid long runs. (OK, none of my other excuses were anything but lame...but I kept saying "I'll start when Waterton reopens." Well, here we go. It is a great place to run, and I have to say that I'm actually looking forward to bumping up the mileage. (You may have to remind me that I said that.)
Next up: Highlands Ranch Swim Meet, and a possible triple-prong workout on Sunday. Have a great day!
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