Gym Rats

On the other hand, since your paycheck does not depend upon your accuracy, you could show up at work each day without preparation, wave your arms at the green screen for a while, and then head for the bar as soon as the red light was turned off. It's a pretty carefree life, and probably pays better than most other "arm-waving while guessing about stuff" professions -- A fair tradeoff for occasionally being razzed at the grocery store, I'm thinking.
The wind was violently noisy last night. As I listened to the clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caliginous caucophany, it evoked images of Kansas farmgirls whirling through the air. But I managed to fall asleep nonetheless, and this morning awakened to a much quieter world. When I looked out the window, I could see that some snow had fallen, but didn't realize how deep it was until I went out to get in the car. I'm guessing that there were about 6 inches on the ground at my place, and the roads were a bit of a challenge during my drive to the gym.
Whenever it snows, people stay home from work. Makes sense to me. Why risk your vehicle (not to mention your life) on treacherous roads when you really don't need to? And so I was expecting to see an empty parking lot at 24-Hour Fitness when I arrived at 5:15am. But nope...all the regulars seemed to be there.
I'm not sure what that says about the serious fitness crowd, but it makes me smile. After all, if you're going to have an obsession that drives you out of your comfy home on heavy snow days, it's probably good that it involves improving your health and longevity. It's somehow comforting to see the same faces grimacing and sweating on bad-weather days that I see every other morning. I don't know many of their names, but I still feel as if they're all (in some way) part of my extended family. We're all engaged in a mutually-understood pursuit, and while our personal motivations may vary in details, we all possess a similar fire within. It's kinda cool.
What other groups do you have an unspoken bond with? Are there any people in your life that you don't speak to, but would miss if you didn't see them in their regular places? Are there people who always do their grocery shopping when you do? Do you see the same folks on the running trail? The same burrito-eaters at Chipotle?
It's funny -- you don't talk to them in your daily routine, but if you saw those same folks on a ferry boat to the fjords, or in a queue at Disney World, you'd greet them like your favorite college foosball buddy, wouldn't you?
Just something to think about. As for the snow, well, enjoy its beauty and think about how much the car wash owners will appreciate it early next week. And if you see a weatherman walking down the street, just give him a tip o' the hat and your best wishes for him to have a great day!
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