
I am happy to report that I did not dream about the Brady Bunch last night. The bad news is that despite that particular blessing, I didn't get nearly enough rest. I got cold during the night, woke up chilled, and had trouble warming up and going back to sleep.
Maybe I just have a lot on my mind. Perhaps I was thinking too much about the Colorado Caucuses, and was distressed at how few people voted for Ted Nugent. Or I might have been subconsciously worrying about what sort of swim workout would be appropriate if the pool stinks too much from having the ventilation system broken. Or maybe I was thinking about how silly it is to go back to the doctor's office on Friday and pay to get my stitches removed when I could probably do it myself with an X-Acto knife and a pair of tweezers.
(By the way, the lab results came back and there was no sign of skin cancer. Yea!)
Anyway, whatever the cause, the night was not a particularly restful one. I'll try to get to bed earlier tonight, and will endeavor not to let my concerns for the world at large impinge on my REM time. I know I'll have a busy day at the office; finishing a proposal draft, writing a press release, and working on posters for a trade show booth -- exciting stuff. The time will pass quickly, and I'm certain that my brain will be fully capable of shutting down completely by the time I crawl under the blankets this evening.
But that won't stop me from attempting to keep YOU up late at night. Today's challenge is to figure out the puzzle at the top of this page. Can you deduce what made me think that these four guys belonged together?
By the way, the Yogi Bear toy in the final frame isn't quite like the one I had as a kid, but it's close. It was probably toxic (and may have had something to do with the fact that my brain works in the erratic way it does), but I loved to inhale the unique smell of Yogi's permanently-smiling rubber face. I was a little freaked out when his hat came off and I realized that his head had a mutant cylindrical plateau on top (so the hat would fit snugly), but a little bit of Elmer's Glue took care of that. The hat didn't come off again.
You'll see a similar hat on a different type of bear in tomorrow's quiz explanation. (Is that a hint? Perhaps. After all, how many bears do you know who wear hats?)
Anyway, I look forward to hearing your answers. (Extra credit if you can also explain which "Friends" cast member could have been included in this puzzle.) Give it some thought, but try not to let it keep you up all night, OK? Thanks, and have a great day!
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