A Disturbance in the Force
I don't watch the news on TV.
I developed a bitter distaste for journalists while attending the William Allen White School of Journalism back at KU. I enjoy hanging out with people who focus on the positive side of life, not the guys who relish seeing buildings burn down so they can stick microphones in the faces of people who are suffering. And we've already discussed the reliability of weather reporters...so I see no reason not to avoid newscasts.
Ergo, I may not be the most well-informed person on the planet. Still, I am not completely clueless. I hear conversations in the office and at the pool, and occasionally catch snippets of news reports on the radio as I drive to and from work. As all highly-sophisticated people do, I run through the radio buttons in a continual search for BTO, Led Zeppelin, or Debby Boone...but there are times when every single station is either playing commercials or news. Therefore, I can't help but pick up some basic knowledge of current events as I go through my daily life.
I bring this up because I recently learned that Hostess is declaring bankruptcy. Of course, the reporters describe it as "The End of Twinkies", when the reality is probably somewhat less drastic. Still, it makes you think.

But here's my related question for you: What actors do you always associate with a single line they said one time in one movie? My example is Ernie Hudson, and the immortal words "That's a big Twinkie".
You can't use William Shatner saying "KHAAANNNN!", because he's also famous for "Beam me up," and "Well played, Naomi Price". And Jimmy Walker's "Dyn-o-mite!" doesn't count because it was repeated over and over. Same with Hervé Villechaize's "De Plane!"
And that brings up another question: Which TV series had recurring characters where it was positively baffling that no one killed them after the first episode? Tattoo is the most obvious example -- somebody would've had the fantasy of seeing Mr. Roarke feed him to fire ants early in the first season. Gilligan, Urkel, and Potsie are other no-brainers. But who else fits the category? It might be tempting to put Ted Baxter on the list, but he was amusing, and didn't ruin everyone's lives like the others I've mentioned. Darren Stevens would be a good candidate...except that there really couldn't be a show without him.
Or could there? I might've enjoyed watching Samantha boogie around as a hot single witch, without having to worry about Durwood and Larry Tate causing headaches all the time. Hmmm...maybe there's remake potential here. But please, no Nicole Kidmans. No. Christina Applegate, maybe?
Anyway, let me know who you'd put on the list, and we'll discuss it in a future post.
And please feel free to share any relevant stories you might have concerning your own personal relationship with Twinkies. How many of them do you think you've eaten in your life? Did you ever use them for any science experiments, or as a tool to illustrate magnitude of paranormal activity? I'm curious.
I'm not completely sure why I got off on Hostess news, anyway. I was planning to write about the phenomenon of Time Crunching. I want to explore how the heck it is possible that I don't have enough time in my life. I probably have the fewest responsibilities of any adult on the planet, and yet it seems I'm always in a rush. I was planning to take a deep look at how I spend my hours, and what activities I might be able to cut out...but now I think I'll defer that until tomorrow, because I've run out of time.
I was planning to use the following clip to illustrate some point I was going to make about focus and concentration, but when I started thinking about Tattoo's unrelenting obnoxiousness, it disrupted my train of thought. Perhaps my problem has something to do with the fact that I can't stay on one topic for more than a few seconds...which may explain why I harbor such animosity for a guy whose only job is to announce incoming air traffic once a week. Or maybe it's because he's French. Either way, I'd have gotten rid of him.
For now, though, I hope you enjoy the following lesson in self-discipline. Have a great day!
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