Resistance is Futile

Friday featured another excellent day in Waterton Canyon. Reynold and I ran 10 miles, which was the longest run of 2012 for each of us. My left hamstring is still tight, and I continue to run like the Terminator after the fuel truck blew up...but I also feel that progress is being made. And now that we're approaching the equinox, I'm optimistic about being able to log more mileage outdoors. Life is good, my friends.
And speaking of the celebration of life, the photos above each make strong points about freedom, which I'll talk about later. And even though I am totally disgusted by smelly stinking worthless hippies (panel 4), I shall always defend their rights to eschew accepted conventions of good grooming.
But that's not the connection that caused me to choose these particular photos -- this one is much simpler than that. I'm pretty sure everyone will recognize the one syllable that each image has in common.
When I put this puzzle together, I'm pretty sure I had a long political rant in mind, but by the time I sat down to write, the topic had escaped me. (Too much LDS in the 60s, I suppose.) Anyway, I shall return with reports of other weekend workouts along with my normal astute political observations over the next few days. So get out and enjoy the sunshine, my friends, and have a great day!
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