I'm so confused...
But despite Nature's cruel refusal to cooperate with my preconceived notions of meteorological probabilities, I've had a pretty good week so far. My running tights still fit, and judging from the pain in my ankle, I have to believe that my physical therapy is making progress.
(Well, either that or I really do have weather-activated rheumatism. It has been a bit chilly during my last couple of runs.
In any case, I'm enjoying Autumn so far. The last few days have been a blur -- I've had deadlines to meet for two proposals, several presentations, and a couple of tradeshow posters. The workdays have sizzled, which tends to leave me depleted and slothful in the evenings. But that's OK; I'm expecting the upcoming few days to be relaxed by comparison. I've got a bike ride planned for Saturday morning, and am teaching a stroke clinic on Sunday. In between those events, I hope to spend some time enjoying the last of the fall colors before the real brutality of winter sets in.
The other good news is that my friends are showing great support for my plan to become tri-ready by next summer. I have easy access to all sorts of running and cycling advice, a selection of positive training buddies, and a never-ending fountain of encouragement. Of course, I have a bunch of weight to lose, years of bad running form to overcome, and a history of laziness that will remain a challenge until I develop a set of new habits and attitudes. Hmm.

In the meantime, here's a trivia question: What does the pasty-faced fellow above have in common with the chained-up dude in this picture?

And for extra credit, how does the albino above get connected to all the folks in the panel below? (Click to embiggen.)
That's all for today. I find myself hoping that tomorrow will be a nice day as well. Maybe I'll even go for a longer run. We'll see. But no matter what Nature decides to do, I hope you'll have a great day!
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