USAT Nationals 2014
This race was not well-attended, especially in my age group. Therefore, despite my collapse during the run and my embarrassing shuffle to the finish, I was lucky enough to make the podium when all was said and done. I received a nifty mug for my trouble, and then didn't think much more about it.
Then yesterday, I got an email from USA Triathlon with the subject line "Congratulations!" I almost send it straight to the trash bin, figuring they just wanted to sell me something.
And I guess they did, in a way. But my first reaction was to laugh when I saw this:
Based on my first place age group finish at TriRock this summer, I have qualified for the 2014 National Championships!
As I said, I laughed. When I think of Nationals, I think of athletes like Brad Cooper, Haley Benson, and Sharon Kolarik. Those folks truly are of Nationals caliber; extremely talented, focused, and committed. WAY out of my league. If I went to Nationals, I would totally get my butt kicked.
But as I continued to think about it, I thought, "Well...why not? So what if I came in dead last?" It would still be a hoot to attend a grand event like that -- and it would give me something to shoot for with my training. Signing up for Nationals might be just the thing I need to break me out of my slacker slump and get me back in shape.
I know that my swim team friends will be happy to train with me, encourage me, and help me get focused. And besides, it would be good to race another triathlon or two just to see if I can finish one without walking or otherwise embarrassing myself.
It's ten months away. I guess I'd better get to work, eh?
The continuing saga of my trip to Washington will continue shortly. Stay tuned, and have a great day!
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