Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I don't seem to recover quite as quickly as I used to. I'm still kinda tired today, even though I didn't do anything strenuous yesterday. I'm wondering if my age has something to do with it. I know I don't look it, but I'm actually over 30. Yeah, I know...amazing!

It should be an interesting summer. I'm hoping to ramp up my training in all areas, and I need my body to recover quickly after each workout. I've been trying to eat healthier food, and will continue to supplement my training with good nutrition. Time is always the missing element, though -- It's tough to prepare gourmet healthy meals when I also have to waste time with stuff like work and sleep and paying bills. Oh well, I'm sure I'm not the only person who faces these challenges.

Anyway, if you do have time for cooking, you might want to follow my friend Erin's blog at http://divatasticgladiator.com/. She is always posting some delicious and creative recipes that feature great food for athletes.

In other news, I am happy to report that my training buddy Kim Clemens successfully completed the Lavaman Olympic-distance Triathlon last weekend. I'm sure he's bummed that he missed our recent snowstorm, but unfortunately, his schedule required him to stay in Hawaii a few more days, where he'll be forced to hang out on the beach, drink beer, and listen to ukulele music. Poor guy.

My other best training buddy (Reynold) is currently on his way to the North Atlantic to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. His wife is representing Denver's own Molly Brown House and is writing a blog about the adventure. Check it out at http://www.chasingmolly-mytmcjourney.blogspot.com.

What I want to know is whether Reynold will wear his bowler hat for his summer run training. I'd imagine it would keep the sun off your head and make an impressive fashion statement at the same time.

As for me, well, I find that I really want to get out on the mountain trails. The reason I know this is that we received a bunch of crates at work yesterday, and they're temporarily stored just outside my office. They smell of fresh-cut pine, and every time I walk past them I am reminded just how much I love the smells of the forest. I'm thinking I might try to run the Deer Creek canyon trail after swim practice on Friday. Anybody want to join me?

For now, though, I'm just hoping to get a lot done at work, and then get to bed early tonight. Those of us in the 30+ age groups need our rest.

Have a great day!


At April 6, 2012 at 8:48 AM , Blogger Erin said...

Terry you are definitely not the only one that struggles to find time for the necessities! Although trying to keep up keeps you young ;)

Thanks for the link!


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