Thursday, April 29, 2010

Back to the Track

Despite the perfect day Tuesday, I'd have to say that this hasn't been a particularly lovely spring. I suspect that there aren't many poets waxing rhapsodic about the beauty of Nature and the harmony of the Universe right now.

On the other hand, there may be songs written about all the stuff being tossed about by the windstorms. Wednesday could've easily been called "Winds-day." (Actually, that is how we pronounced it back in Kansas...unless we were hungry for hamburgers, in which case it became "Wendy's-day". We'd actually be more likely to go to McDonalds, but that didn't provide the proper proportion of pun, you know?)

Still, even with the blustery breezes, my brother did talk me into going to the track for a sprint workout. He wanted to do some short "burst of power" stuff, which I suppose will help my leg strength and quickness on the court. But I'll go ahead and admit it for all the world to hear: I hate sprints! I'm no good at them, have no talent for ever becoming good at them, and they just plain hurt!

Sigh. I'm afraid I was born a middle-distance guy, and will remain one throughout my entire lifetime, no matter what sort of training I do. Oh sure, I do understand that there's a place in the world for sprinters, God bless 'em. They have particular physical gifts that I can only gawk at in wonder, and they do seem to always be surrounded by supermodels and sycophants. But I suppose the world needs just as many tic-tac-toe players as it needs chess strategists...and I think I'll leave my comment at that and let you deduce what you may.

Anyway, the workout was hard and cruel...just like the wind. (And there probably is a poem in there someplace, isn't there?) Even though I didn't run very far in total, I was exhausted at the end of the workout, and was confident that it would help me improve in some very small and incremental (ie, unmeasurable) way. Similar workouts are on the horizon for the entire summer, I'm sure.

My brother has quite a fixation
On improving his acceleration.
So we went out to run
But it wasn't much fun
'Cuz the wind was a cause of frustration.

OK, so I'm not Walt freakin' Whitman or anything. But perhaps I'll be touched by the Muse when I have a nice middle-distance workout to describe. We'll see.

In the meantime, please try to keep a positive attitude about the weather. Despite Al Gore's efforts to the contrary, I'm sure there are some spectacular days on the horizon, and they'll be here soon. In the meantime, stay indoors if you must, but have a great day!


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