Sleep Injury

It wasn't intentional. I simply can't keep track of what day it is. It was merely random chance that I happened to mention Opie-Wan yesterday. What are the odds that one of my blogs would contain both a Star Trek and Star Wars reference in the same day? Astronomical, I know.
I am mildly excited by the new Star Wars flick coming at Christmas. But I'd be more excited if they would do a cross-over with the Trek universe. "The Wrath of Han" would be a good premise, as would "Solo vs. Sulu." Who would win in a fight between the Hortas and the Hutts? Could Gorns interbreed with Gungans? Would the Talosians be immune to Jedi mind tricks? Could Darth Vader's biomedical technology be adapted to make Cap'n Pike walk again?

Whatever. The bottom line is that the comments received regarding yesterday's post make it clear that I was misinterpreted regarding my dinner guest choice. I thought it was obvious that my interest in Ms. Locklear was solely because she is one of the few people who can talk about what it was like to work with William Shatner and Adrian Zmed, not to mention Joan Collins and John Forsythe. She must have some fascinating tales to tell. I don't know what other motivation there could be for choosing her over Clint Howard. I mean, c'mon!
Anyway, I was going to start my marathon history retrospective today, but have a minor injury report to share instead. The phrase "I must've slept on it wrong" sounds SO incredibly lame as a way to explain pains that appear overnight...but what other cause could there be? My right shoulder had been feeling better every day, so I was really disappointed to feel a twinge in there when I rolled out of bed this morning. I won't know for sure until I try to swim tomorrow, but I don't think it's anything serious. Still, when I move it around to test different motions, I feel a disturbance in the forces.
I will use my stretch bands at the office today, and will try to shake everything out well during tonight's track practice. Tomorrow, I hope to share those tales of past running adventures-- which will include memories about running barefoot, doing stadium steps, and the horrifying tale of the evil that lurked within Phil Kidd's locker.
I hope you'll join me. Have a great day!
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